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Our focus
is on you.

Financial services companies and banks


  • Statutory audits of the annual financial statements pursuant to Sec. 28 ff German Banking Act (KWG)
  • Audit pursuant to Sec. 89 (1) Securities Trading Act (WpHG)
  • Audit of spin-offs within the meaning of Sec. 25 a (2) KW
  • If you have outsourced corporate divisions to insourcers, we draw up expert opinions on the functionality of the insourcers' internal control systems.  We are happy to draw up expert opinions in accordance with SSAE 18.
  • Audit or review of reports

Tax advice, accounting and notifications as well as preparation of annual financial statements

Our services range from financial accounting to the preparation of annual financial statement in compliance with the German Accounting Ordinance for Credit Institutions (RechKredV) and assistance in the final audit. In detail:

  • financial accounting
  • payroll accounting
  • preparation of annual financial statements
  • tax returns and tax advice
  • assistance during internal audits

Preparation of supervisory notifications, particularly notifications concerning:

  • large exposures (Sections 13 and 14 German Banking Act (KWG) as well as Art. 387 ff. CRR)
  • Monthly reports (Sec. 25 KWG) and consolidated monthly reports
  • Foreign Trade Ordinance and Foreign Trade Act

Bank supervision law

  • Advice for matters relating to outsourcing and compliance
  • Internal audit pursuant to provisions under banking supervision law

    We can prepare you for the full outsourcing of internal auditing pursuant to the minimum requirements for risk management decreed by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. Likewise, we provide assistance during individual projects or audits, e.g. in IT.

  • Credit check

    We undertake commitment checks and carry out organisational reviews.

  • Advice on regulatory law

    We are happy to support you in implementing new regulatory provisions or setting up your regulatory reporting system.

  • Training / Coaching

    We are happy to organise training courses for your employees. Training courses on money laundering, for instance, are mandatory under regulatory law.

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