Kaiserstraße 50 40479 Düsseldorf Germany
Phone +49 211 / 879 76670 Fax +49 211 / 879 76679 E-mail info@greis-brosent.de www.greis-brosent.de
Dipl.-Kfm Andreas Walter Voigt
Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, CPA
DE 119252208 (according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act)
Local court Düsseldorf, HRB 27806
The legal professional designation "Wirtschaftsprüfer" (public accountant) was conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany.
regional office
Rauchstraße 26
+49 (30) 726 161-190
+49 (30) 726 161-199
These codes and regulations are available for perusal on the website of the Chamber of Public Accountants at www.wpk.de.
Kornstraße 15 4060 Leonding Austria
Phone +43 (732) 611 266 Fax +43 (732) 611 266-20 E-mail info@atikon.com Website www.atikon.com
Frau Steuerberaterin Monika Lämmerhirt
Kaiserstraße 50
40479 Düsseldorf
Concept, realisation and management of content according to TMG (German Telemedia Act):
Kaiserstraße 50
+49 211 / 879 76670
+49 211 / 879 76679
The information provided on this website is solely for general information purposes and does not constitute legal, tax or other specialised advice. The website contains non-political news relating to tax, social as well as economic law and primarily addresses the clients of our company.
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Wir sind weder bereit noch verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen
Greis & Brosent is a member of MGI Association. MGI Association is an alliance of independent audit, tax, accounting and consulting firms. MGI Association does not itself provide any services and its member firms are not an international partnership. Each member firm is a separate entity and neither MGI Association nor any member firm, accepts responsibility for the activities, work, opinions or services of any other member firm. MGI Association is the brand name referring to the group of members of MGI Ltd., a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose not to associate as a network. For more information visit www.mgiassociation.com/legal.
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